
Mozzarella Stuffed Tomatoes

Tomatoes stuffed with mozzarella and baked on sourdough toast with capers, anchovies, garlic and tapenade. Extremely delicious and very easy to make. The perfect starter or accompaniment to a BBQ meal.  

30 minutes
30-40 minutes


  • 6 slices of sourdough bread
    - medium slice
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 San Marzano tomatoes
    - or any other oval shaped ripe tomato, equal in size
  • Other
  • 1-2 tbsp capers
    - drained, roughly chopped
  • 2-3 anchovy fillets
    - drained, roughly chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic
    - cut in half
  • 300g Bufalo mozzarella
    - sliced
  • 6 tsp black olive tapenade
  • Garnish
  • Few sprigs of fresh oregano
    - or dried
  • Extra Virgin olive oil
    - generous glug all over


  • Prepare sourdough bread toasts:
  • 01 Bread slices should be a medium thickness. Brush each slice with extra virgin olive oil on both sides. Place on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 10 minutes or so, until crisp to the touch. Remove from the oven and allow to become cold, set aside.
  • Prepare tomatoes:
  • 02 Wash tomatoes. Using a sharp knife cut slices into the tomatoes approximately 1cm apart. ONLY cut ¾ of the way through as it is important to leave a solid base.Thickly slice the mozzarella and then half or quarter, so you have small half moon shapes. Using your fingers gently push the slices of mozzarella into the cuts. Set aside.
  • Assemble to bake:
  • 03 Rub garlic cloves heavily over one side of baked sourdough slices to flavour. Place back in the tin, spread 1 tsp of black olive tapenade over each slice. Top with chopped capers and anchovies. Lay the mozzarella stuffed tomatoes on top, either one or two depending on the size of your tomatoes and the bread. Season with freshly ground black pepper and a generous glug of extra virgin olive oil all over the top.
  • Bake:
  • 04 Place the tray in a hot oven and bake for 30-40 minutes or so until the tomatoes are tender and the cheese has melted. Keep an eye on them as you do not want to over cook the sourdough bread.
  • Serve:
  • 05 Remove from the oven, season with fresh black pepper and a scattering of fresh oregano. Enjoy hot or warm.


These delights can be assembled ahead of time and baked when required. Delicious hot or cold, tasting just as delicious the next day when stored in an airtight container in the fridge. No need to season with salt as the capers and anchovies naturally provide this.
