Strawberry Yoghurt Fool

Often the simplest of recipes can be the best. Take two quality ingredients such as sunshine kissed strawberries and a plain, natural no sugar yoghurt, let the flavours infuse and the final result will be a simple, healthy fool highly suitable for diabetics and for the many of us who just enjoy something naturally sweet and good for you. Enjoy for dessert or as a nutritious breakfast. I recommend to serve the fool in attractive individual glasses with a generous topping of sesame or chia seeds for that extra ‘wow’. If you need sweetener then of course add a touch of Stevia or other approved diabetic non sugar sweeteners.
450g fresh strawberries- cleaned, green tops removed and cut into small quarters
4 heaped tablespoon plain natural unsweetened yoghurt
1 tsp Stevia alternative sweetener- if required
Raw sesame seeds or Chia seeds
Prepare strawberries:
01 Remove green ends and cut into small bite sized quarters. Place in a bowl to steep with Stevia sweetener if required.
02 Tip the plain yoghurt into a bowl and beat smooth. Using attractive glasses or a large glass bowl alternatively layer strawberries and plain yoghurt.
03 Sprinkle with raw sesame seeds or Chia seeds.
04 Enjoy immediately or cover and place in the refrigerator.
Always use a plain yoghurt with no sugar added, and for extra ‘good health’ try to buy live plain yoghurt. If enjoying for breakfast can be made and left overnight in the refrigerator but do not keep any longer as the strawberries have a tend to fade in taste.