Organic Malted Brown Loaf

Delicious homemade malted brown loaf, no refined sugar, just full of yummy wholesome goodness.
When and where I can, I will always try to substitute the necessary sweetness needed to ‘feed the yeast’, in the form of a date or maple syrup or even honey. Please choose what you like best.
Try not to be over generous with the liquid (water) but if the dough is too wet/sticky to handle, its is acceptable to incorporate a little more flour, until one has a manageable dough.
Happy baking.
500g malted bread flour
1 tsp quick dried yeast
1 tbsp date syrup- substitute maple syrup or runny honey
300ml warm water- little extra if need be
1 tbsp olive oil
01 In a large bowl mix together the flour and quick dried yeast.
02 Measure 300ml of warm water, add olive oil and date syrup. Mix well.
03 Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.
04 Remove from bowl, turn onto a clean dry work surface and knead well until smooth.
05 Place in an lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place to prove i.e doubled in size.
06 Turn out onto either an lightly oiled or floured work surface, knock back.
07 Place in a oiled or non stick loaf tin, cover again, allow to rise for about 25 minutes.
08 Bake in a preheated hot oven.
I recommend Doves Farm flour, malted or a brown spelt. Add extra water if the dough is dry but be careful not to make it too wet. I use my Kitchen Aid mixer for all my bread making as it makes life so much easier and quicker (remember to use the dough hook!). Bake until the bread has a hollow sound when tapped and often, to double check the bread is well cooked, I turn out the bread from the tin and place it back in the oven to double make sure of an even bake (probably for another 5 minutes). Eat fresh or freeze whole or pre-sliced. Bake in a large loaf tin, 900g oblong non-stick.