Malteser Ice Cream

This recipe is for ice cream lovers who have no time to make their own but want a quick and easy treat for all the family. Who does not love ice cream and Cadbury Maltesers!
30 minutes
2 litres of bought good quality French vanilla ice cream or caramel crunch ice cream
165g bag of chocolate Maltesers- crushed
300ml cream
1 punnet fresh strawberries- stalks removed
4 ripe Kiwi fruit- skin removed
Large loaf tin- lined with cling film or non-stick baking paper.
Loaf tin:
01 Carefully line the loaf tin with cling film. Make sure all sides are covered and excess hangs over the sides. You will need this to use as a cover once the tin is filled.
Filling: layer one
02 Mould 1 litre of ice cream into the base of a prepared loaf tin. Freeze.
Filling: layer two
03 Whip cream to a soft peak and fold in the crushed Maltesers.
Filling: layer three
04 Fill the loaf tin with the Maltesers cream, on top of the frozen ice cream base and re-freeze.
Filling: layer four
05 When firm add remaining 1 litre ice cream. Smooth the top and freeze again.
Prepare coulis:
06 Whiz all ingredients to a coarse pulp in a food processor. Chill.
07 Before serving allow the ice cream to thaw slightly, as this will make it easier to turn out. Cut generous slices and top with the strawberry and Kiwi fruit coulis, plus a little extra fresh fruit if so desired.
Do allow the ice cream to soften slightly before moulding into the tin, and make sure you cover 2 sides of the tin with paper or cling film. If using cling film try to keep it as smooth as possible at the base, as this will prevent any ridges appearing when turned out.