Munchy Bars

A delicious energy ‘power punching’ oat and seed bar. The perfect afternoon munch or mid morning ‘pick me up’. Cut into any size bar you like, and completely suitable for any child’s school lunch box.
I like to store them in the fridge for a firmer bite but I leave how you like to eat them up to you. One thing I can assure you is that they are very moorish and therefore, will be gobbled up fast.
Approximately 16 bars
20 minutes
25 minutes
100g brown sugar
100g butter
1 heaped tbsp strawberry jam- or honey
1 tbsp golden syrup
250g rolled oats
145g pumpkin kernels
32g sesame seeds
20g desiccated coconut
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp vanilla essence- or paste
Prepare baking tin:
01 Line a 20 x 30cm sponge roll tin with non stick baking paper, allowing for a collar on either side to aid removal from the tin after baking.
Make munchy mixture:
02 Place butter, sugar, jam and golden syrup into a saucepan and over a moderate heat melt to a liquid. Remove from the heat and add the vanilla essence.
03 In a separate bowl mix all the remaining dry ingredients together. Pour in the melted buttery sugar mixture and mix well.
04 Press firmly into the prepared tin, filling in the corners.
05 Place in the preheated oven and bake until firm and golden brown. Allow to cool in the tin, and then remove before cutting into bars.
06 Bars will keep for several days in an airtight container.
It is possible to use a 22 x 22cm square tin if you do not have an oblong baking tin. I always line with non stick baking paper just to make removal from the tin easy. If you wish to remove the dairy, substitute the same weight with a non dairy alternative such as chilled coconut oil or vegetable fat.