Foodie Tour of Mahaseel Festival Market.

On Thursday 18 February 2021, JOTK and The American Women’s Association Qatar @awa_qatar enjoyed a wonderful tour organised by KATARAQATAR around the impressive and locally stocked Mahaseel Festival food market. The lovely ladies from AWA Qatar thoroughly enjoyed the market and all it had to offer and for me, I was in VEGETABLE heaven!
Such farmers markets are relatively new to Qatar, and this one is particularly admirable, as the concept really is all about bringing local farmers together and providing them a place to ‘showcase’ and retail their produce directly to the public. The Government of Qatar is behind this initiative and not only supports the farmers with this location, they have recently created a unified conglomerate known as MAHASEEL, which in Arabic means HARVEST. Here Qatari farmers can sell their crops not only at the market but directly to the government, who distribute on their behalf the produce throughout Qatar.
In the video you will see I find the most amazing vegetables as well as fresh flowers, however, it was the fresh beetroot which caught my eye, in particular so because the farmer had kept the beetroot whole, with their edible long leaves. A part of the vegetable the Greeks always eat and serve with their beets. Check out my recipe below (click the image).