
Classic Apple Crumble

Classic apple crumble made with Bramley apples. Delicious when served hot or cold with custard, ice cream or whipped cream – either dairy or non dairy.

30 minutes
45 minutes


  • Apple Filling
  • Approximately 500g apples
    - peeled, cored and cubed
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • Knob of soft butter
    - for oven proof dish
  • Crumble Topping
  • 185g plain flour
  • 90g caster sugar
  • 35g soft brown sugar
  • 125g unsalted butter
    - softened, cubed


  • Prepare apple filling:
  • 01 Quickly wash the apples, removing the peel and cores from all the apples. Cut into small chunky sized pieces. Place in a bowl with 2 tbsp caster sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon. Mix well.
  • Assemble apples for topping:
  • 02 Heavily smear a good knob of soft butter all over the base and sides of a medium sized oven proof dish. Tip in all the apples and any syrup escaped from the apples. Flatten with a large spoon or clean hand to create an even base for the crumble topping.
  • Make crumble:
  • 03 In a clean bowl place flour and butter. Using light fingers quickly rub the butter into the flour (or use a food processor). Add the sugar, brown and white. Quickly combine together the mixture using a flat knife to form what looks like lumpy breadcrumbs. Do not over work.
  • Assemble:
  • 04 Tip the crumble mixture all over the top of the apples. Using a fork gently flatten the top and make sure ALL apples are covered.
  • Bake:
  • 05 Place in a hot oven until topping is golden brown and the filling can be seen bubbling at the sides.
  • Serve:
  • 06 Delicious served hot or cold with custard, ice cream or cream.


A traditional green, sour Bramley apple is the best apple for this pudding classic, however, if not possible to obtain choose an apple that softens well during cooking such as Jonagold, Pink Lady, Mutsu, or Honeycrisp. Do not be tempted to use a Granny Smith as they do not soften well during cooking. This pudding freezes well and can be made ahead of time, reheated in the oven and served.
