An Expatriate Tradition – the infamous Friday Brunch.

Having lived in Doha for an amazing 19 years, there is one pleasurable pastime I must talk about. A pastime that certainly I had to adjust to and learn to enjoy (mad but its true), and uncannily after so many years now enjoying the ‘expat lifestyle’, it is a past time I like to frequent perhaps rather too often.
So what is this you may ask? Well let me start with a simple phraseology; it is the social gathering of friends, family, work colleagues, who all come together to enjoy wonderful displays of delicious food, stretching across all nationalities and continents. In simple Doha terms I am talking about the infamous Friday Brunch.
Such an activity for me in those early days was tough (how on earth I hear you gasp), but do let me explain…
Firstly, Friday was still a working day in my mind having come to Doha from the Northern hemisphere (and as we know the weekend officially begins on a Saturday), however, as I was soon to learn this is not the case for the residing expat, whose weekend starts on a Thursday night and ends with Sunday morning.
I was also not used to spending 5 hours out of my day eating, let alone enjoying a glass or two (OK more) of any liquid libration of my choice. My weekends in those good o’l days were more cooking for the family related, or running around the shops and being if I remember clearly just being busy! Truly, if my memory serves me correctly, my weekend treat in those ‘good o’l days’ used to be a coffee out with the hubby and an iced sticky bun, if I was lucky, but NOW, since arriving to Doha oh my how my life has changed.
I also remember in those early days of Doha living, a Friday brunch was only available in the few select hotels around, but nowadays, with all the wonderful premium hotels active in Doha, the Friday Brunch really has become an expatriate institution.
Where to go, well this really does depend on your budget and preference, as for many of us living in Doha in this present day we have so much choice, but for me, after my visit last week, my favourite to date has to be the St. Regis Doha – The Grand Friday Brunch.
Being a great believer in using pictures to tell the story, please walk with me now through the world of a Doha BRUNCH.
Where to start, what to eat first! Well this is always my problem as the food array is so vast and varied, however, my favourite (and I believe the favourite of many) is the freshly made Sushi and delicious steamed dumpling station.
If anyone is looking for me, guaranteed I will be found in this area……yes, I am very partial to a freshly made prawn dumpling… in fact rather partial to more than one, two, three or four!
The selection of main courses are always superb, ranging from hot and cold carving meat stations (beef, chicken, lamb) or freshly made BBQ kebabs charcoaled lightly over hot searing coals, always professionally cooked to just how you want them.
For the fresh fish eaters there is always a daily catch or two available plus an abundance of freshly prepared seafood such as oysters, prawns, lobster and crab. Seafood by the way is always attractively displayed and accompanied by natural vegetable juice shots such as beetroot and cucumber.
In between all this food, eating, walking and talking of course liquid refreshments are extremely important. A traditional expat brunch will offer non alcoholic packages (fruit juices and waters etc.) and alcoholic packages (bubbles, beer and wine), and always, interspersed between all the yummy food displays etc. are the bespoke refreshment bars where cocktails and other delights can be found.
I must also add that for those who wish to enjoy a taste of delicious dishes from India, Italy, Turkey or France, many sit hidden beneath large domes of silver or copper, piping hot and always attended by staff on hand at all times to willingly assist.
I must also mention the wonderful array of homemade breads… my carbo world…and a food station I cannot pass. Just check out the display. SUPERB!
Finally, if you pace yourself correctly, its over to the DESSERTS and my what a display for those of us with a sweet tooth. On display will be just about everything you want in the world of deluxe puddings and cakes. Hot or cold, you name it, it will be available.
Check this out chocoholics! All homemade with a mini sledge hammer to break your piece.
Finally, and LAST BUT NOT LEAST, let me close my brunch coverage for today and introduce you to the MAN behind it all. The Main Man of the Moment, the very personable, very talented Executive Chef James Norman, who I take my hat off too (literally!). How he manages to keep us all so well fed is a miracle to me, catering for all ages, nationalities and foodie types, whilst still keeping his wonderful sense of humour. EXCELLENT work James, THANK YOU again and for sure Jules will be back.
The traditional FRIDAY BRUNCH, always very special and memorable, and truly explicit to the quality lifestyle available to many expatriates living in Doha.
For all brunch inquires contact St. Regis Doha –